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Profis 23.09.2023 - 20:00 Uhr

The reaction to the loss in Augsburg

The reaction of the 05ers to the loss against FCA

The mood of the whole team was at rock bottom after the final whistle, even including Ludovic Ajorque, who recorded his first goal of the season in the match.

Sporting director Martin Schmidt: “We started the game well and went 1-0 up. If the second goal had counted, perhaps we would have gone on to win the game comfortably, but instead we were very quickly brought back to level pegging. After that, you could see that we are still far from rock solid as a team, but the game was relatively even up until shortly before the break. Then just before half time, Danny da Costa had to go off injured and we went 2-1 down. Their second goal came through a lack of concentration at the back on our behalf. We tried to launch a lot of attacks in the second half, but for all our possession, we failed to create real meaningful chances in the box. It was a game that was fairly typical of our start to the season. 

However, we have to keep our spirits high and bounce back from that. I’m convinced that we will get out of this slump and I am one hundred percent behind the coaching team and the players. I’m also sure that we’ll be rewarded for our hard work in the form of points, but obviously we need to pick up points sooner rather than later.” 

Ludovic Ajorque: I’m very sad about the result. We started the game well, took the lead and were excellent. Then we conceded two goals and didn’t manage to come back and that’s why I feel like this. Of course, we weren’t brimming with confidence after how the season’s gone so far, and that’s why the equaliser caused us to fold somewhat after a good start.  It was like déjà vu. We should have taken advantage of situations a lot better with an extra man.

Nevertheless, we’re a good team and know what we can achieve. The season has only just started and it’s the same week after week. On every matchday, we have the chance to turn the tide and keep working. We’re going to do that.

05ER.TV 23.09.2023

Die PK nach #FCAM05

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